中文姓名 畢業年度 論文名稱(中) 論文名稱(英)
蔡裕宏 111 唇顎裂患者使用電腦模擬比較單顎和雙顎正顎手術計畫 One-jaw versus two-jaw orthognathic surgery for patients with cleft: A comparison using virtual surgical planning
趙康吟 111 矯正改善咬合平面傾斜對下顎不對稱及下顎髁之影響 The Effects of Orthodontic Correction of Occlusal Cant on Mandibular Asymmetry and Condyle in Adult Patients
王子欣 111 以新的三度分析方式評估雙顎手術治療骨性三級關係合併顏面不對稱之術後不對稱的影響因子 A new 3D analysis on influencing factors of postoperative facial asymmetry after bimaxillary surgery for class IIl asymmetry
簡彤宇 110 後上齒槽動脈與上顎竇側壁骨厚度:3D錐狀束電腦斷層研究 The detection of posterior superior alveolar artery (PSAA) and the lateral bone thickness of maxillary sinus – A three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) study
賴信池 110 比較上顎骨前移與上顎骨前移合併順時針旋轉對中臉部臉頰輪廓的影響:一個定量分析的研究 Effect of Le Fort I Maxillary Advancement and Clockwise Rotation on the Anteromedial Cheek Soft Tissue Change in Patients with Skeletal Class III Pattern and Midface Deficiency: A 3D Imaging-Based Prediction Study
黃柏誠 110 正顎手術後顏面神經麻痺之機轉與處置 Facial palsy after orthognathic surgery: Mechanism and management
郭俊成 110 不同垂直顏面類型與骨性三級咬合不正 雙顎手術後穩定度之關係 Relapse Patterns of Two-jaw Surgical Correction in Patients with Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Different Vertical Facial Types
張中杰 110 參照小臼齒的外型以探討錐狀植體之會聚角度 Convergent angles of a tapered implant referred from the profiles of premolar roots
何仲頤 110 雙顎手術治療唇?裂合併骨性三級畸形後對上呼吸道結構的影響 Effect of Bimaxillary Surgery on Upper Airway Structure in Cleft Lip and Palate and Skeletal Class III Deformities
WEERAYUTH VE 110 以測顱分析評估安格氏二類咬合不正拔牙矯正治療後咽部呼吸道空間的變化:與主觀睡眠品質評估的整合 Cephalometric Evaluation of Pharyngeal Airway Space After Orthodontic Extraction Treatment in Adult Patients with Class II Malocclusion: an Integration with Subjective Sleep Quality Assessment
SARUNYA ANGW 110 以下顎後旋矯正成人三級咬合後的下顎髁頭及關節盂窩之重塑變化 The condyle and glenoid fossa surface remodeling after intentional downward and backward mandibular repositioning in Class III adult patients
劉立晨 109 下顎不對稱類型對於雙顎手術治療骨性三級關係合併顏面不對稱結果的影響 Type of Mandibular Asymmetry Affects Changes and Outcomes of Bimaxillary Surgery for Class III Asymmetry
梅至君 109 上下顎後牙區之植體經植體穩定度商值校正後之癒合曲線的發展趨勢 The Developing Patterns of Calibrated Implant Stability Quotients of Posterior Implants
PAWEENA TAMM 109 骨性三類咬合不正正顎手術前後之數位咬合分析變化:比較手術優先與矯正優先方式 Sequential Digital Occlusal Analysis in Patients with Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Orthognathic Surgery: Surgery-First versus Orthodontic-First Approach
PANTHIPA CHA 109 第三類咬合生長病患於上顎前引與下顎後置引導後之顳顎關節生長 The condyle and glenoid fossa growth after redirection of mandibular growth in Class III growing patients underwent maxillary orthopedics.
PAJAREE KAEW 109 第三類咬合生長病患於上顎前引與下顎後置引導後之咽氣道生長 The pharyngeal airway growth after redirection of mandibular growth in Class III growing patients underwent maxillary orthopedics
CHANIN JITTI 109 比較單塊與雙塊上顎勒福一式截骨術於唇?裂患者之三維術後變化與穩定性 Compare the Outcome and Stability of Single Versus Two-piece LeFort I Osteotomies on Patients with Cleft in 3D
ASAWIN WEA 109 Sleep quality related to TMJ degenerative?joint disease in skeletal class III patient after receiving orthognathic surgery Sleep quality related to TMJ degenerative?joint disease in skeletal class III patient after receiving orthognathic surgery
蘇育瑩 108 以繁體中文版本Face-Q問卷研究正顎手術患者的結果報告以及語言翻譯暨心理學測量評估流程 Measuring patient-reported outcomes in orthognathic surgery: Linguistic and psychometric validation of the Mandarin Chinese version of FACE-Q instrument
黃日晟 108 手術導引板和醫師經驗對於植體放置準確度之影響 : 體外研究 Effect of surgical guide and operator’s experience on the accuracy of implant placement: an invitro study
連勻嘉 108 早產及足月產睡眠呼吸中止症兒童顱顏及呼吸道型態差異之初期結果 The preliminary results of the differences in craniofacial and airway morphology between preterm and full-term children with obstructive sleep apnea
李威成 108 上顎前牽引合併橫向擴張治療觀察上顎骨三維空間之長期性改變: 系統性文獻回顧及統合分析 Long-term maxillary three dimensional changes following maxillary protraction with or without expansion: a systematic review and meta-analysis
王若懷 108 三維測顱影像於正顎手術計畫之應用:正常值資料庫的建立與分析 Three-dimensional cephalometry for orthognathic planning: Normative data and analyses
王美麗 108 上下顎骨順時鐘旋轉後對骨性三級咬合患者之臉型影響: 前瞻性世代研究 Changes of facial appearance after clockwise rotation of maxillomandibular complex in skeletal Class III patients: A prospective cohort study
Titiroongruang 108 矢狀劈開術治療骨性三級異常合併顏面不對稱後近心骨段的位移:新三維分析 Displacement of Proximal Segment after Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy for Class III Asymmetry: A Novel 3D Analysis
THATCHAWEE B 108 比較雙顎手術中下顎優先與上顎優先順序以及咬合板厚度於整體手術之精確性 Accuracy of Mandible vs. Maxilla First Approach and Intermediate Splint Thickness in Skeletal After Two Jaw Orthognathic Surgery
SUTTHINEE RU 108 雙顎手術治療骨性三級咬合的穩定與結果: 單側唇?裂和雙側唇?裂的比較 Skeletal stability and outcome following bimaxillary surgery for skeletal Class III: UCLP vs BCLP
SITAWAN 108 上下顎骨前移手術治療阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症的骨骼及上呼吸道穩定性 Skeletal and Upper Airway Stability of Maxillomandibular Advancement for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
PIYANAN KEAR 108 雙顎旋轉後退手術治療骨性三級異常的三維顏面區域軟組織評估:正咬與開咬 Three-dimensional evaluation of soft tissue changes by regions after bimaxillary rotational setback surgery for skeletal class III deformity: overbite versus open bite
PATCHARAWAN 108 全齒弓挺出對第三類咬合成長病患下顎生長的引導 The effects of total arch extrusion on mandibular growth in teenagers with Class III malocclusion
JUTHARATH CH 108 第三類咬合成人病患於全齒弓挺出後臉型的變化 The postural and profile changes of mandible by orthodontic total arch extrusion in adult patients with Class III malocclusion
羅書賢 107 骨性三級異常於雙顎正顎手術後的骨骼穩定度與手術咬合的關聯性 Relationship between skeletal stability after bimaxillary surgery for skeletal Class III deformity and surgical occlusion
戴劭妤 107 血液透析病人中上顎骨疣的盛行率及預測因子 Predictors of Torus palatinus in hemodialysis patients
林芷玲 107 以不同手術設計改善骨性三級關係伴隨嘴唇或咬合平面傾斜之穩定性與結果 Stability and Outcome after Bimaxillary Surgery for Skeletal Class III with Lip or Occlusal Cant: Comparison between Different Surgical Designs
吳庭祐 107 探討臉部歪斜合併咬合異常之患者於正顎手術後下顎近心骨段之變化 Rotation of the proximal ramus segment in orthognathic surgery for correction of facial asymmetry and class III malocclusion : A 3D and quantitative imaging study
SUTHINEE C 107 太極弓線改善咬合面與唇線的效能分析 The Efficacy of Yin-Yang Arch Wires on the Improvement of Occlusal and Lip cant
SUPAWADEE HA 107 下顎逆時針旋轉前進術改善骨性二級異常之穩定性:大旋轉與小旋轉之比較 Skeletal Stability following Mandibular Counterclockwise Rotational Advancement in Skeletal Class II Deformity:Large Rotation versus Small Rotation
SARUT VONGKA 107 正顎手術後之生活品質長期評估 Longitudinal Changes in Quality of Life after Orthognathic Surgery
PIENGKWAN 107 雙顎手術治療骨性三級咬合合併顏面不對稱的穩定度分析 A new 3D analysis of skeletal stability after bimaxillary surgery for Class III asymmetry
PATTARAWADEE 107 以正顎手術改善下顎前突症之前後呼吸道三度空間變化 Three-Dimensional Airway Changes after Orthognathic correction of Mandibular Prognathism
PANTAREE R 107 TMA線與不鏽鋼線應用於鼻齒槽骨塑型的比較 Comparisons of using TMA or stainless steel wire for the nasoalveolar molding in neonates with unilateral cleft lip and palate
NAT LILAKITR 107 以正顎手術優先理念治療下顎前突症之長期顏面顎骨之三度空間變化 The long term changes of skeletal patterns using clockwise rotation of MMC to correct mandibular prognathism
Insawak 107 比較第三級咬合異常在接受正顎手術合併齒顎矯正治療後的3D牙齒穩定度:手術優先 vs. 矯正優先 The Comparison of 3D Post-operative Dental Movement and stability in Class III Surgical Correction With and Without Pre-surgical Orthodontic Treatment
CHIN SUPPA 107 比較單側半邊小臉症病患是否接受早期骨牽引性骨生成對於後續手術性矯正產生之結果 Compare the Outcomes of Surgical Orthodontic Treatment in Hemifacial Microsomia Patients with and without Early Mandible Distraction Osteogenesis
洪賢晴 106 人工植體支臺齒連接之設計對於支臺齒的抗壓強度所造成之影響 The Compressive Strength of Implant-abutment Complex with Different Connection Designs
林郁婷 106 台灣醫學中心牙科急診的病例回溯性分析 A Retrospective Analysis of Dental Emergencies Presenting to a Medical Center in Taiwan
林佳葳 106 探討影響主觀評估骨性三級關係合併顏面歪斜病患正顎手術後顏面對 稱性之相關因子 Dentoskeletal Parameters Related to Visual Perception of Facial Asymmetry in Patients With Skeletal Class III Malocclusion After Orthognathic Surgery
古芸家 106 利用 ROC 統計預測單側唇顎裂患者成年需要正顎手術機率 Prediction of The Need for Orthognathic Surgery in Individuals with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate at Early Permanent Dentition Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis
TRANDUYTHUYDUONG 106 Does sleep quality affect temporomandibular joint with degenerative joint changes? Does sleep quality affect temporomandibular joint with degenerative joint changes?
SIRIPATRA PA 106 上顎正中骨縫的成熟程度決定對於青春期上顎骨發育不良之病患施行上顎骨性牽引治療之療效:回溯性世代研究 Patency of midpalatal suture determines the maxillary orthopedic protraction in pubertal patients with maxillary hypoplasia: A retrospective cohort study
PROUDCHOMPOO 106 富含血小板血漿可減少下顎臼齒前拉時的齒槽骨減損 PRP injection might reduce alveolar bone loss in mandibular molar protraction into an edentulous ridge
NISA PHOTHAP 106 唇?裂病患的?正中骨縫經輪流快速擴張與收縮後的再礦質化 The mineralization of midpalatal suture after Alt-RAMEC in patients with cleft
溫永祥 105 比較二維傳統計畫與三維影像模擬於顏面歪斜患者正顎手術之成果 Comparison of Surgical Outcomes in Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Facial Asymmetry: Three-Dimensional Simulation Versus Two-Dimensional Traditional Planning
陳韻芳 105 骨性二級異常合併顏面不對稱之雙顎手術治療結果 Treatment Outcome of Bimaxillary Surgery for Asymmetric Skeletal Class II Deformity
范釋文 105 不同咬合設置用於手術優先以及模擬術前矯正對於骨性第三類咬合不正病患下顎位置之影響 Effects of Different Occlusion Setups With a Surgery-First Approach and Simulated Presurgical Orthodontics on the Mandibular Position in Skeletal Class III Malocclusion
戴詠萱 104 唇顎裂病患的顎正中骨縫分析 The Midpalatal Suture in Patients with Complete Cleft Lip & Palate
黃俊源 104 以下顎支矢狀截骨術的觀點,比較正常、下顎後縮和下顎前凸病人的下顎神經管路 Comparison of mandibular canal in patients with normal jaw relation
黃于真 104 血清中胸?磷酸化?在口腔癌進程中的臨床意義 Clinical significance of the serum thymidine phosphorylase during oral cancer progression
陳智龍 104 利用兔子頭骨探討誘導骨組織再生術中加入膠原蛋白水凝膠之效果 Exploring the effect of adding collagen hydrogel to guided bone regeneration procedure
張毓仁 104 對於雙顎正顎手術後骨性移動之3D軟組織相對應改變量---電腦輔助模擬導航之臨床應用 3D Soft Tissue Changes Responding to Hard Tissue Movements after Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery – Clinical Application of Computer-Aided Simulated Navigation
柳昭蔚 104 比較中藥複方與氯己定漱口水對於控制口內牙齦炎及減少牙菌斑數量的臨床效果評估 Comparing the efficacy of chinese herbal mouthrinses and chlorhexidine mouthrinses on supragingival plaque
周建榮 104 三度空間影像分析下顎髁狀突於顳顎關節退化性關節炎 3D image analysis of mandibular condyle in temporomandibular joint degenerative disease
吳德儒 104 利用錐狀束電腦斷層進行體內牙齒體積量測誤差分析 The errors of the in-vivo volumetric measurements of tooth from CBCT
Chakraphong 103 Risk factor for surgical site infection in orthognathic surgery 正顎手術手術部位感染之風險因子
鄧德儀 102 下顎早期物理復健治療對第三類正顎手術後下顎功能恢復之影響 The Effect of Early Physiotherapy on Mandibular Function Recovery After Orthognathic Surgery for Class III Correction
鄧雅音 102 齒間截骨手術引起局部骨加速現象及促使矯正牙齒移動 Interdental osteotomies induce regional acceleratory phenomenon and accelerate orthodontic tooth movement
歐睦尼 102 下顎偏斜術後近心截骨段改變與下顎運動之關係 Changes in Mandibular Proximal Segment After Surgical Correction of Mandible Deviation With the Relation of Jaw Motion Alteration
楊雅玲 102 探討利用感覺神經訓練運動對正顎手術後所造成的下齒槽神經傷害後感覺恢復的影響 Sensory retraining exercise facilitates sensory recovery after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
黃志勝 102 影響單側唇?裂患者之二期齒槽植骨術結果的因素 The Factors Influencing the Outcome of Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting in Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
曾玲玲 102 以平面及立体顏面影像分析女性顏面之美 Female Facial Attractiveness Assessed by 2D Photography and 3D Face-scan
沈心嵐 102 齒列矯正合併注射富含血小板血漿以縮小過寬齒槽骨裂的機制 The Effect of Platelet Rich Plasma Injection on Narrowing a Alveolar Cleft through Orthodontic Tooth Movement
王依靜 102 一期牙齦骨膜修補術和二期齒槽植骨術於單側唇?裂患者之治療結果比較: 骨生成與牙周骨支持 Treatment outcome of primary gingivoperiosteoplasty versus secondary alveolar bone grafting in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate: bone production and periodontal bone support
蔡一民 101 探討正顎手術後顳顎關節三度空間位置的變化 Three-dimensional (3D) Changes of Condylar Position in Prognathic Mandible Corrected by Orthognathic Surgery
楊瑋民 101 利用口內標記疊合三維數位牙模至顏面電腦斷層影像 Integrating of three-dimensional digital dental model into craniofacial skull model by automatic superimposition of intra-oral fiducial markers
黃意方 101 利用轉錄體學技術探討化療藥物誘發口腔黏膜病變之基因表現 Assessment of the Gene Expression in Chemotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis by Transcriptomic Analysis
陳怡璇 101 比較兩種不同鼻翼縫合術式之唇鼻型變化於接受上顎勒福一型手術之骨性第三類咬合不正病患-隨機臨床對照實驗 Nasolabial Changes Affected by 2 Different Alar Base Cinch Suture Techniques after Maxillary LeFort I Osteotomy in Class III Malocclusions: A Randomized Controlled Trial
曹中侃 101 複合式支架含聚乳酸己內酯與脂肪組織萃取之凝膠體以製造氣管環狀軟骨之組織工程 Combined scaffold poly(L-lactide-co-e-caprolactone) and Adipose-Derived Hydrogel for Trachea-ring Ca
李盈欣 101 單側唇?裂病患的硬?修補術式與臉部生長發育 Technique of Hard Palate Repair and Facial Growth in Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
謝育佳 100 上下顎骨前進術治療阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症後上呼吸道及周圍組織的改變 Changes in Upper Airway and Surrounding Structures After Maxillomandibular Advancement for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
黃意真 100 近遠心溝與支台高度對使用樹脂黏著劑黏著單顆贗復牙冠對抗力形不足牙齒的影響:體外實驗 The Effects of Proximal Grooves and Abutment Height on The Resistance of Resin-cemented Crowns in Teeth with Inadequate Resistance Form: An In-vitro Study
林紹承 100 影響骨性三級咬合不正接受手術優先正顎手術後穩定性相關參數 Parameters Related to the Stability of Orthognathic Surgery in Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Surgery-first Approach
陳冠偉 99 下顎無牙病患植體支持式覆蓋式義齒的研究 An Analysis of the Implant-supported Overdentures in the Edentulous Mandible
梁啟誠 99 單側唇顎裂病童兩側唇及鼻孔之高度與寬度測量與比較 The Anthropometric Result of the Lip Height and Width
周庭安 99 活化維他命D對引導骨再生的影響 The potential effects of cholecalciferol/calcitrial on bone regeneration in the dogs
吳婷婷 99 單側唇?全裂患者之顱顏特徵與缺牙關係 Craniofacial characteristics related to tooth missing in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients
戴楸霏 98 顱骨顏面成骨牽引對顱縫過早融合症候群病患之治療結果與穩定性 Treatment Outcome and Stability of Forward Craniofacial Distraction in Syndromic Craniosynostosis
賴智信 98 在單顎與雙顎手術間比較唇顎裂病患之正顎手術術後治療結果 Comparison of Treatment Outcome between One-jaw and Two-jaw Orthognathic Surgery in Cleft Patients
劉育佳 98 勒福一型截骨術對鼻型的影響 The effect of Le Fort I osteotomy on nasal morphology
梁晁華 98 佩戴下顎全口假牙病患和結合遠心測ERA彈性附連體的人工植體覆蓋式義齒的病患其臨床滿意度的表現之優劣比較 Patient's satisfaction between implant ERA retained mandibular overdenture and complete mandibular denture
張心怡 98 使用有限元素分析法來分析不同黏著劑及移除方式對矯正托架/牙釉質介面機械性質的影響 Evaluation of the bracket/enamel interfacial mechanics with different adhesives and debonding techniques by using finite
侯俊羽 98 口腔黏膜下纖維化惡性轉變之基因表現 Gene expressions in the malignant transformation of oral subumucous fibrosis
李明遠 98 使用武斷式面弓轉移上顎模型至半調式咬合器準確度之測顱X光研究 Cephalometric evaluation of the accuracy of the arbitrary face-bow transfer for mounting the maxillary cast on semi-adju
何國慶 98 阻生上顎正中門牙:外科暴露及矯正牽引 Impacted Maxillary Central Incisors: Surgical Exposure and Orthodontic Traction
廖炯琳 97 迷你骨釘錨定用於雙顎齒槽凸出患者之療效:各式迷你骨釘設置之比較 Treatment Effects of Miniscrew Anchorage in Patients with Bimaxillary Dentoalveolar Protrusion: A Comparison of Various Miniscrew Setups
陳敏傑 97 影響上顎前牙齒間乳突的因子 Factors influencing the interproximal dental papilla between maxillary anterior teeth
邱鈺婷 97 單側唇顎全裂並患之唇顎裂初期嚴重度與上顎生長相關 Initial Cleft Severity Is Related to Maxillary Growth in Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
林世榮 97 標準化第一階段牙周病治療對於第二型控制不良糖尿病及牙周病病患之療效評估 Therapeutic Effect of Standardized Periodontal Phase I Procedure on Patients with Poorly-controlled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Periodontitis
李甫瑩 97 以放射線攝影偵測台灣人下顎第一大恆臼齒具第三牙根之盛行率 Radiographic survey of the prevalence of three-rooted permanent mandibular first molars in Taiwanese
李沛縈 97 不同MOD復形物合併NCCL復形物於人類上顎小臼齒的微滲漏現象 Microleakage in Human Maxillary Premolar in Different MOD Restoration Combined with NCCL Restoration
謝欣宜 96 牙齦骨膜修補術對於完全單側唇?裂患者臉部發育之影響 The Effect of Gingivoperiosteoplasty on Facial Growth in Patients with Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
歐陽黎薇 96 急性淋巴性白血球兒童唾液中變異型鏈球菌及乳酸桿菌量之研究 Salivary Counts of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
楊亦穎 96 完全單側唇?裂病患的階段性?閉合手術與臉部生長發育 Stage of Palate Repair and Facial Growth in Patients with Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
黃建達 96 快速上顎擴張器對上顎位置之影響-動物實驗 Maxillary Displacement after Expansion by Rapid Maxillary Expanders- an Animal Study
彭嫈晴 96 以共振頻率分析法探討影響植體穩定度之相關因素 Related Factors Affecting Implant Stability Examined by Resonance Frequency Analysis
陳怡如 96 鼻型齒槽骨塑型術的治療結果及治療後三年間的鼻型變化 The effect of nasoalveolar molding and postperative changes of nasal symmetry: a 3-year study on nasal casts
莊麗娟 96 益生乳酸菌(LACTOBACILLUS PARACASEI)對於致?菌之影響 Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei effect on cariogenic bacteria flora
柯秀伶 96 北臺灣一至三歲兒童早期性齲齒之相關因子探討 The study of factors associated with early childhood caries in northern Taiwanese children aged 1-3 years
鄭鈞仁 95 臨時贗復材料在不同修復連接方式下的斷裂強度之研究 The fracture strength of various joint designs of provisional restorative materials
廖漢聰 95 合併導引式骨再生及自體富含血小板之組織膠和間質幹細胞重建下頜骨缺損 Combination of guided osteogenesis with autologous platelet-rich fibrin glue (PRFG) and mesenchymal stem cell for reconstruction of mandibular defects
楊芳泰 95 肝臟移植幼童使用環孢靈引起牙齦腫大現象之調查研究 A Study of Cyclosporine-induced Gingival Overgrowth in the Liver Transplant Children
陳柏勳 95 顏面不對稱患者接受正顎手術先後之三度空間顏面影像評估 Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Facial Asymmetry Corrected by Orthognathic Surgery
陳怡芬 95 根管治療之症候突發與相關因素之研究 Endodontic flare-up and the associated factors
許勝評 95 矢向分裂骨切開術改善下顎前突症之穩定性研究:雙層骨皮質固定術與單層骨皮質固定術之比較 The stability of mandibular prognathism corrected by bilateral sagittal split osteotomy: A comparison of bi-cortical osteosynthesis and mono-cortical osteosynthesis.
許月閔 95 圍箍設計對根管治療後之上顎正中門齒抗斷裂強度及應力分佈之影響 Fracture resistance and stress distribution of endodontically treated maxillary central incisor with varying ferrule design
張民欣 95 矯正植體錨定對上顎門齒牙根尖吸收所扮演的角色 The character of using miniscrew anchorage in apical root resorption of maxillary incisors
林政輝 95 半邊小臉症患者下顎生長之三度空間電腦斷層影像分析 Mandibular growth in patients with hemifacial microsomia: a 3D-CT image analysis
王聿靖 95 扶正前傾下顎臼齒時的生物反應 Biological responses of uprighting mesially inclined mandibular molars
周明嫣 94 台灣中小學身心障礙學生口腔健康調查 Dental Health of Students with Special Health Care needs in Taiwan's Primary and Junior High Schools
李岳澤 94 下顎骨前突之手術矯正後顏面輪廓的變化 Facial profile changes after surgical correction of mandibular prognathism
呂佳芳 94 巨噬細胞於口腔癌前病變與口腔鱗狀細胞癌之關聯表現 Macrophage associated with oral precancerous lesions and squamous cell carcinoma
白健蓉 94 單側唇?裂與正常嬰兒於吸吮運動之比較 Electromyographic Analysis of Perioral Sucking Movement in Normal and Unilateral Complete Ceft of Lip and Palate Infants
王郁智 94 使用雙軸式上顎擴張器以往復式擴張與閉合作用機制對於上顎骨位置暨上顎周圍骨縫組織的影響-動物實驗 The Displacement of Maxilla and Tissue Reactions of the Circumaxillary Sutures Under Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions
蔡文卿 93 雙軸式快速上顎擴張合併前拉面罩療法之齒顎變化 Dentofacial Changes of Combined Double-hinged Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Face Mask Therapy
潘怡君 93 台灣國中小學校附設特殊教育班學童的齲齒指數與其父母的牙科概念之相關性研究 Relationship between cares index of the handicapped children and parental dental concept in Taiwan
辜彥誠 93 臨床植牙贗復治療之創新技巧 Novel Approaches of Clinical Implant Prosthodontics
張佩菁 93 成骨不全患者之顱顏特徵 The Craniofacial Characteristics in Osteogenesis Imperfecta Patients
張士灝 93 不同聯結體型式於植體合併自然牙固定式義齒之數值與體外實驗生物力學分析 The in vitro and numeric investigation of the natural teeth and implant-supported fixed partial dentures with various connector types
陳麗萍 92 牙周病:預測血液透析患者營養不良及發炎反應之臨床指標的研究 Periodontitis: a clinical predicted marker of malnutrition and inflammation in hemodialysis patients
陳翊綾 92 骨組織工程來修補牙周及齒槽骨缺陷 Periodontal alveolar bony defect regenerated by rhBMP-2 gene engineered autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
林雅婷 92 上頷第一乳臼齒提早喪失後的空間變化之長期研究 Space changes after premature loss of the maxillary primary first molar - a longitudinal study
SOURCE: Sources