【Event Highlights】Successful Participation in the 3rd TU Orthognathic Surgery Summit 2024 by Professors Ellen Ko, Eric Liou, and Dr. Clement Lin, with a Heartwarming Reunion with Alumni

We are pleased to share that Professors Ellen W.C. Ko, Eric J.W. Liou, and Dr. Clement C.H. Lin successfully participated in the 3rd TU Orthognathic Surgery Summit 2024, held from August 29 to 30 at the Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit in Thailand. During the summit, they not only shared the latest research and practical experiences in the field of orthognathic surgery but also enjoyed a warm reunion with alumni based in Thailand.

Event Highlights:

Prof. Ellen W.C. Ko delivered a keynote speech titled "Navigating Treatable Malocclusions in SFA: Addressing Unexpected Challenges and Achieving Optimal Outcomes," where she provided in-depth insights into strategies for managing treatable malocclusions in orthognathic surgery, sharing valuable practical experiences.

Assoc. Prof. Eric J.W. Liou explored the critical role of condyle displacement in treating facial asymmetry during his talk "The Role of Condyle Displacement in Surgical or Non-Surgical Orthodontics of Facial Asymmetry," sparking lively discussions among the attending experts.

Dr. Clement C.H. Lin presented the "Chang Gung Experience" in balancing airway and aesthetics in orthognathic surgeries through his lecture "Balancing Airway and Aesthetics in Orthognathic Surgeries: Chang Gung Experience," which received high praise from participants.

This summit not only facilitated international professional exchanges but also provided participants with rich academic resources and networking opportunities. We look forward to more opportunities in the future to collaborate with experts and scholars worldwide, driving advancements in the field of orthognathic surgery together.