【Congrats】Professor Lun-Jou Lo and Professor Eric JW Liou for making it to the "World's Top 2% Scientists" list for lifetime achievement and the "2022 World's Top 2% Scientists" list!

Congratulations to Professor Lun-Jou Lo and Professor Eric JW Liou for making it to the "World's Top 2% Scientists" list for lifetime achievement and the "2022 World's Top 2% Scientists" list!

The latest "World's Top 2% Scientists" list was released in October and includes a total of 1,447 scholars who have been recognized for their "lifetime scientific impact."

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The latest "World's Top 2% Scientists" list was published in October. This list is established by Stanford University in the United States with reference to Scopus data and is published by Mendeley Data, a subsidiary of Elsevier. The Stanford University team utilized data from all Scopus authors to identify the top 2% scientists globally. The list encompasses 22 main disciplines and 174 subfields and is assessed based on several key indicators, including total citation count, H-index, Hm-index adjusted for co-authors, citation count for articles with different author roles, and a comprehensive indicator (c-score). From these assessments, two lists are generated: the "Lifetime Scientific Impact Rankings (1960-2022)" and the "2022 Annual Scientific Impact Rankings."
